Apply NowAbsolutely nothing! It is 100% FREE for Nannies to apply to join the Elite Nanny League team.
Click Here to see our full list of requirements.
It’s easy! Click Here to start your online application. Once we receive your completed application, one of our team members will contact you. You’ll meet with a team member either in person or via video call.
If the interview goes well, you’ll need to submit the required documents.
Once your nanny profile is completed, you’ll be granted given access to our online jobs platform.
We will obtain the criminal record check after the family is ready to move forward with a job offer. The agency take care of all fees associated with the criminal record check! The candidate is NOT responsible for no fees to preform the criminal record check.
No. However, because Nannies work closely with children who are unvaccinated, we strongly recommend that nannies hoping to work with us get vaccinated for COVID-19 to help protect themselves, the children, and their families.With our in-home service, families have the choice and ability to pick whatever nanny they want, and they may prefer vaccinated nannies over unvaccinated nannies. Choosing to remain unvaccinated may limit the number of jobs available to you but does not excluded you from all jobs. If you do get vaccinated, we need you to provide your proof of COVID-19 vaccination (both doses).